Motivation and home office inspiration


Image: Baking a home

To be honest, working from home has been harder than I thought it would be. Not having people to bounce ideas around with has felt very unmotivating and naturally there is a lot more distraction at home. I now understand why a lot of freelancers work in open workspaces. I would love to have an office space at home one day, especially since launching this blog. At the moment we live in a one bedroom flat so I have set up my office space at the kitchen table. I thought I would share a few tips that have helped me get through the last few weeks and advice I've gathered from friends.

1. Routine. Get up each morning at the same time and get dressed. Routine is not only good for the body clock but also for mental health. Being able to control the things we can around us in times like this really helps us feel a sense of purpose and control.

2. If like me you don't have a working space, try to create an area that you work from daily. It helps separate your working space from the rest of your home, so you can relax after working hours in the same space without feeling like your still at work. I am a creature of comfort so I sit in the same chair each day as I would at the office.

3. Planning tea breaks. I am trying to work realistically how I would in the office at the moment. I know usually I would have a few tea breaks a day, so I have set a few timers on my phone per day as a reminder to take a break and refresh my mind to keep motivated. If you find yourself struggling take a step back from the screen and stand by an open window or go outside to get fresh air. We can’t continue like robots in front of the screens all the time.

4. Setting realistic deadlines for yourself is really important. If you're struggling with motivation, try setting a deadline for the task in question. Also make sure you are working as usual and sign off for the day when your working hours are done. It’s not healthy to become a workaholic especially when we are all working from home with limited access to the outside world.

5. Surround yourself with inspiration. Try putting your favourite quote, or artwork on the wall next to your desk, to create a positive working environment and something that will make you smile daily. As you can see from the title image Baking a Home has filled the shelves with artwork, magazines and ornaments.

6. Move. Put on the tunes and dance around your home. It always puts a smile on my face and it’s good to keep active when we are not getting our normal steps in from our commute.

If you're thinking about having a home office space check out some inspirational spaces below.

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Image: Guy Berryman

This display unit is a great addition to a home office, you can display motivational artwork, momentos, previous projects you have worked on and inspiration. Keeping it modern but also personal to you.

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Image: This house 5000

I love how Elena has decorated this space, its functional, beautiful and a most importantly a space you want to be in.

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Image: Split rock custom homes

If you can, utilise a window in your home office. It's been found that a view to the outside while working improves motivation and productivity.


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